Clothing Sizes You'll Need for a Newborn
Buying clothes for a baby that hasn't been born yet is a little bit tricky. Not even the doctors can determine the size of a baby precisely until he/she is actually out - so how should you know what size clothes to get? The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all solution here, but there are certain guidelines that can help you decide which clothing sizes you'll need for a newborn.
Every baby is different
Ok, you probably knew this one, but we just have to stress that. Two moms can have identical due dates and similar pregnancies, yet even if they do deliver their babies on the same date, babies can greatly differ in shapes and sizes. The average weight of a newborn is 7.5lb, but everything ranging from 5.5 to 10 lb is considered normal. Note that the upper limit is almost twice the lower one, which makes it even more difficult to decide which size of clothes one should get for a newborn.
Determining the size of clothes while only taking into consideration her age is actually wrong. That is why many manufacturers started adding the average weight or height details along with the age on their labels. Knowing those can be more helpful when choosing the size than knowing the exact age of the baby. Just like with adults, size charts can be rather practical here since they give you a clearer image.
Checking out the size chart before buying baby clothes for your newborn is a smart thing to do since not all charts are the same - what's a newborn size for one brand can be 0-3 months for another.
Get baby clothes that are comfy
The skin of a newborn is delicate and it can easily get irritated. That is why it is so important that the clothes you get for your lovely little ones are comfortable. You can do no wrong by choosing natural materials, such as cotton. But, that is not all. Regular cotton is fine, but if you are looking for ultimate comfort for your newborn, you should opt for rib-knit cotton. Besides being softer than other types of fabric, rib-knit cotton is stretchier too which is great since the clothing items made of it can be worn longer.
Clothing items you will need for your newborn
Babies grow fast, so it often happens that they outgrow their clothes before they even get the chance to put them on. That is why you should resist the urge to buy dozens of cute same-sized outfits for your little bundle of joy. On the other hand, they do need more than one outfit per day, so if you do your laundry once a week, for example, you will need a few extra combinations. Here's a list of clothing items you will probably need for your newborn:
- 10-12 onesies - they are easy to put on and take off when it is time to change your little one's diaper. When it comes to material, you shouldn't be making compromises - only natural materials such as rib-knit cotton are good for a newborn. Now, when it comes to design, you might get lost in the biggest selection of onesies in the world. If you are not sure about clothing sizes you'll need for a newborn, don't get them all the same.
- several sleepers - they will keep your baby warm and cozy at night. You will probably need two of them per night since newborns often get wet and need to be changed before their night feeds.
- 5-6 leggings or pants - many parents get those with feet since then they do not have to worry about their little one taking off his/her socks all the time. If your baby is due in winter, these should definitely be your choice too.
- several pairs of socks - babies do need socks even if it's summer, so make sure that you add a pack or two in your shopping cart. If your baby is due in winter, you will need more socks and maybe even those cute little booties.
- 2-3 beanie hats - again if it's winter, you'll need more pairs and maybe even some warmer models.
Which sizes should you get if you are buying clothes before your baby is born?
You never know how big your baby is going to be when it is born. That's why you should play it safe when making a registry or going shopping for those first days upon the arrival of your little bundle of joy. Pick a few outfits in a newborn size - you don't want to take your baby out of the hospital in oversized clothes, do you? But, you should bear in mind that babies grow fast and if you get too many items in the newborn's size they might outgrow them before even wearing them.
Practical tip: Keep the tags on! Many retailers will let you swap the unused items for bigger sizes or for other items.
So, wash only those clothes you will need for hospital days and for getting home. Everything else you'll be able to return or exchange for bigger sizes.
After your baby is born, you will have a clearer image of what fits. This is the time to be shopping for some baby clothes. Whenever in doubt, you should get bigger clothes for your baby, especially if you won't be able to return them.
What sizes to choose for your baby registry
Family and friends will probably want to welcome your little one with a gift. Encourage them to get slightly bigger items. One size bigger than a newborn size is usually the best choice for gifts since it will surely fit at some point.
Nowadays, there are so many cute baby items on the market. Matching sets are very popular baby gifts at the moment and they can be great outfits for photoshoots! Fresh parents, grandparents, and cousins just have to choose the sizes for themselves and for your little one and they'll be getting a perfect present.
Babies come in different shapes and sizes, so it is only natural that the clothes fitting them will be different too. Our advice to you when picking the clothing sizes you'll need for a newborn is to look at the length and height specifics rather than the specified age.