Dressing Your Toddler For Special Occasions: Creative Ideas
Generally speaking, dressing up your toddler can be a mess since they usually have a lot of energy all of the time. Now, dressing up your toddler for special occasions can be an even better adventure for all of us parents. Yet, the adventure part is something we can all handle, after all, you get used to the tempo and parenting methods that help you keep everything as practical as possible. Still, from time to time, it would be nice to really dress up your toddler in something cute, or funny, and not just practical. Anything that is special one way or another. Because we believe you are deprived of energy to think about cute outfits, we from Baby Swag have decided to give you some ideas that you might like.
Dressing your toddler for special occasions can be done in a practical way as well
Many parents tend to dress their children practically and in simple clothes. Why? Well, because kids play a lot and they tend to get dirty all of the time. No parent has the time and money to dress their kids in expensive, beautiful, high-quality clothes 8 times a day. Are we right or are we right? Still, this does not mean you cannot shop for quality toddler clothes that are beautiful as well. Nowadays, everything is available and you can find whatever you are looking for. That being said, we would like to emphasize that even though you are going to a wedding, for example, does not mean your kids cannot be dressed up in something practical yet cute.
Some ideas and tips for when you are dressing your toddler for special occasions
We have prepared some tips and ideas that we believe you will like. We will keep everything simple and cute, pretty much like our cute toddler tees that you can order from our website.
What occasion are we looking forward to?
Before you start buying new clothes or looking for appropriate, stain-free old ones, think about the occasion. Is it a wedding? Perhaps a christening? Maybe a New Years' dinner or a birthday party? Whatever it is, it can give you an idea of some funny toddler clothes you can incorporate with the theme. New Years' will probably be all sparkly, red, snow, and reindeer-themed. A birthday might not be themed but you will surely not dress your toddler as if you are taking him or her to a wedding. Therefore, the point is, keep the occasion in mind. Dress up your kids as you would yourself, only in the mini version. Play with their clothes, they are your living dolls.
Lose the accessories
Well, think of it this way, if it is a birthday for kids, you might want to keep it a little bit more practical. Therefore, lose the bows in the hair for girls and the mini watches for the boys. They will just lose them anyway while playing with the other kids. Pretty clothes, not accessories, that is the best way to go about it. Too many details can bore your children can even hurt them. We are more than certain that your little girl will look lovely even if she does not have matching jewelry along with the dress. Maybe cool toddler clothes will be enough to make a statement, we do not need anything too extra, do we?
Go wild and do not follow any rules
Why would you buy complete outfits when you can design them yourself? Parents often just buy the entire outfit with all the details and there isn't anything original in that. Why don't you go wild? See where your ideas take you. You can easily mix the outfits your toddler has and create a completely new look that you and your kid will absolutely love. It is completely fine to find inspiration online but give it something that will be your personal touch. We believe that you, as a parent, can dress up your toddler better than any professional. If nothing else, you can always do some mom and baby matching clothes that will surely be fun and cute at the same time.
Let your toddler decide and have fun
This is a completely unconventional way of thinking. Toddlers surely do not know how to match colors and details but we believe that this can be a fun idea and also some awesome bonding time. If you let your kid take whatever he or she likes, and try to incorporate it, you can make some great memories together. They might not remember the entire adventure but they will surely have little memories and feelings in their brains for the rest of their lives.
Parents often despise this idea because it is not always appropriate and because children get too excited. Yet, don't you wish, just sometimes, that Halloween is more than once a year and that you can dress up in a costume? Of course, you do, we are all big children. We believe that it would be lovely and fun for your kids if you were to let him or her dress up in costumes if they so wish.
As you can see, dressing your toddler for special occasions can be fun in many ways
You will have a lot of fun while dressing your toddler for special occasions as long as you try and make it an adventure and bonding time rather than a chore. Of course, you will have to stop a few temper tantrums during this adventure but that is simply the job of a parent. We hope that you have a great time and we wish you good luck!