Getting Ready for Baby One Trimester at a Time
If you are planning a baby or you have just found out that you are about to become a parent, you must be very excited. Having a baby is an amazing experience and nothing compares to it. At the same time, a new family member means a lot of responsibilities and new tasks you will be in charge of. But don't you worry. Nine-months-time is just enough for you to prepare for what's coming. So join us in getting ready for baby one trimester at a time!
Trimester number 1
Every pregnancy is different, so while some future moms feel no symptoms and can rejoice in their first weeks of being pregnant, others suffer from nausea and vomiting. Your body is getting ready to grow a baby inside, so you should start getting ready too. You can install an app or follow a week-by-week pregnancy calendar to keep track of your baby's growth.
Prenatal care
If you haven't started before, now is the time to start taking vitamins and visit your gynecologist for the first pregnancy checkup. Consult him/her about the vitamins or other prenatal supplements you should take on a regular basis now. Folic acid is a must, and you might need to adjust your diet to take in more iron. Needless to say, you should stop consuming alcohol, cigarettes, and anything else that could harm your baby.
Choose a doctor to guide you
If you haven't got an Ob-Gyn already selected, ask your friends and relatives for recommendations. Making a good choice is crucial since this is the person that will guide you through your pregnancy and give you advice whenever you need them to.
There are a lot of things that women becoming moms for the first time don't know, so don't be afraid to ask for advice on anything from where to buy cool baby clothing to which breast pump to choose.
By the end of the first trimester, you should have your first ultrasound done. You will hear your baby's heartbeats for the first time - something you will never forget. This is the appointment after which your doctor will be able to give you a more precise estimate of the due date. They might suggest some additional tests and analysis, depending on your age and health condition.
Insurance coverage
Speaking of healthcare, this trimester is when you should check whether your insurance covers everything you'll need. If not, you've still got time to consider other options. This is the time to start thinking about your finances and maybe even start saving for your child's education.
Trimester number 2
Now that the first 12 weeks have gone by, you can break the news to everyone! If you are employed, you should inform your colleagues and bosses so that they can make a plan of work for those months you will be away.
Tests and screenings
Regular appointments are a part of getting ready for baby. There is an important screening to be done between weeks 15 and 20. The results show the possible defects and abnormalities. Some moms wait for these results to make sure their baby is developing the right way before they announce that they are pregnant. During this trimester, you will have an ultrasound appointment where you will see your baby more clearly than the first time. Enjoy these precious moments!
Start shopping
During your second trimester (if not earlier), your stomach will start to show, and you will probably have to get some new clothes. Comfort should be your priority when you go shopping, so choose stretchable and natural materials. While picking stuff for yourself, start looking for baby items you will need soon. Baby clothes made from 100% organic cotton are what you should invest in since they are the best choice for sensitive skin.
Is your home ready for a new member?
The second trimester is the time when you should think about getting your home ready for a new baby. Some even start setting up a nursery. Around week 20 you will be able to find out the sex of your baby, so this can be helpful in choosing a color palette for it. If you are ordering your furniture online, account for the time it will take for it to be delivered. Also, you should start baby-proofing your home. Remember - safety comes first!
Sign up for childbirth classes
Attending these classes will help you relax and find answers to hundreds of questions you might be having about your pregnancy and delivery. They usually last for several weeks which is enough to get you ready for the day you will meet your baby for the first time.
Trimester number 3
Your stomach is getting bigger as your baby grows and you should really try to slow down and listen to your body. Don't do anything that you find physically challenging and get rest whenever you can.
Your checkups will be more frequent as the delivery day approaches. It is time for you to discuss the childbirth options with your doctor and choose a hospital where you would like to be taken when the delivery starts.
Do some more shopping
Now that you are spending most of your days relaxing, you can do some online shopping. It is better to have everything prepared before you go to the hospital so that you can focus on bonding and all that you will be dealing with once the baby is born.
Take a look at various lists of baby clothes every new mom should own and make your own. Save the receipts for all the stuff you get since you might have to change some sizes
Getting ready for baby also means making a baby registry and organizing a baby shower. Help your friends and family members decide what to get you by sharing some gift ideas for a newborn.
Pack your bag
The final task to complete before you can say that you are prepared for the delivery is to pack your hospital bag with the essentials you and your baby will need for the first few days spent there. Check out your hospital's website to see what they recommend and what they allow.
Enjoy every moment of getting ready for baby and try to relax. You will miss those moments of peace and quiet once your baby is born.